Archive for September, 2011

Win Win, Recycling, Saving One Tree at The Time.

As a leader in the recycling movement, GreenDustries is proud of its part in helping to recover paper for reuse in our innovative food service paper packaging. GreenDustries is on the vanguard with our PleatPak and Magic Bag products, both made from 100 percent recycled substrate. According to the web site,, paper recycling has become a great environmental success story... Read more [...]

Green Industries or Global Warming

We at GreenDustries think that we should do all we can to take care of our environment. We have only one planet "Earth", the Blue Planet, the only one known to sustain life in all the cosmos. All the missions that NASA launches to try to find another planet with the possibility to welcome the human race did not succeed until today no matter how many billions of dollars were invested in the process. And frankly we can do better. Read more [...]