Archive for the ‘ Climate change Affect Humans ’ Category

Mother Nature’s Monster Storm: Our Wake Up Call.

Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier, hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives. People who have the least ability to cope with these changes--the poor, very old, very young, or sick--are the most vulnerable... Read more [...]

What is Urban Agriculture?

GreenDustries and Urban Agriculture Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around (peri-urban), a village, town or city. Urban agriculture in addition can also involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agro-forestry and horticulture... by Wikepedia. We live in an increasingly urban world. Seventy-five percent of the people in so-called industrialized countries already live in towns and cities and urbanization has become a global phenomenon in the last half-century. The resultant mass movement of people from farms and rural villages everywhere constitutes the greatest human migration in history. It seems likely that fully half of the human family is city dwellers since the year 2000... Read more [...]

Humans Change the World! Where do we stand with fresh water? Will there be enough for a more crowded world?

Sandra Postel, founder of the Global Water Policy Project, is recognized as one of the world's most respected authorities on fresh water issues and is hailed for her "inspiring, innovative, and practical approach" to promoting the preservation and sustainable use of Earth’s freshwater. For more than 25 years, Postel has lectured, taught, and written prolifically on the geography of water stress and the implications for food and agriculture... Read more [...]

Humans Change the World ! “Climate Change” What does it mean to me? What is it caused by?

The Industrial Revolution brought us Climate Change. After the Industrial Revolution we became a society of “instant gratification”. The industrial revolution made our life very easy and at the same time is destroying our planet. From the mining for commodities like: minerals, metals and rocks, let's not forget all the underground nuclear explosions and the pumping of oil, our planet is looking more and more like “Swiss Cheese” and now it is letting us know through: earthquakes, volcanoes and the increase of Co2. The time to change is here and now! The Industrial Revolution was a process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. It began in England in the 18th century... Read more [...]

So what is Climate Change?

So what is Climate Change? Do you think the world's climate scientist are lying about the data? What is more powerful than the sun, volcanoes, and all other things in nature and we are officially to "blame" for the world's climate change. Question - which change is it?
You may recall that in the 1970s that science was suggesting we prepare for another ice age.
So should I pack a swim suit or a parka? Point is, climate change is not that simple. The fact is that the Earth is getting warmer. There's a lot of information floating around about climate change. Most people know it has something to do with the "Industrial Revolution". Pollution, changing weather and car exhaust, climate change occurs when long-term weather patterns are altered for example, through human activity. Global warming is one measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperature. We can decide to do nothing about this issue now, but we'll just pay for it later. Food prices will continue to rise and water will continue to become increasingly scarce leading to even more... Read more [...]

Preparing for Global Warming.

Preparing for Global Warming. Charles E. Cooke, deputy director of the Energy Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, in his, says that Congress has reached "what amounts to a stalemate in its consideration of climate change legislation, and it’s not clear how long this self-imposed hiatus will last." "Proponents of a cap-and-trade approach to limiting CO2 have failed to make a compelling case for adoption of a trading mechanism that establishes a price on carbon. Likewise, opponents to cap-and-trade have created considerable doubt in the public’s mind about the cost of that approach, particularly what effect those costs might have on job creation and economic growth," he continues. Read more [...]

Green Industries or Global Warming

We at GreenDustries think that we should do all we can to take care of our environment. We have only one planet "Earth", the Blue Planet, the only one known to sustain life in all the cosmos. All the missions that NASA launches to try to find another planet with the possibility to welcome the human race did not succeed until today no matter how many billions of dollars were invested in the process. And frankly we can do better. Read more [...]