Archive for the ‘ Ocean ’ Category

SHARKS: feared or revered, but rarely understood.

The creators of "Jaws" had it backwards. People prey on sharks far more than sharks prey on people.

For some, sharks are the stuff of nightmares. Others rely on them for a living – and humankind has driven many species into decline. Perhaps it is time to think again about how we treat these beautiful creatures.

Shark fins have no taste and no nutritional value, but they're nonetheless a hot commodity in Asia. People consider shark fin soup a high-status, luxury dish, and their demand for the soup fuels the decline of shark populations around the world.

To feed that craving, fishing fleets capture millions of sharks each year, cut off their fins, and in many cases, toss the dying animals back out to sea to make more cargo space on board for the fins. Slow to mature, sharks are often killed before they have a chance to reproduce...

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Why Are Coral Reefs So Important To The Biosphere?

CORAL REEFS ARE DEFENDERS of WILDLIFE. Coral reefs have been in the news a lot lately because they are under threat from ocean acidification, climate change (and this summer’s nasty heat wave), overfishing, coastal development, and more. Many people don’t understand why coral reefs are so important, which is why we asked an expert to help explain why coral reefs are so important and what threats they are facing. We at GreenDustries care very much about the environment. Our goal is to decries the level of garbage and pollution created by the Fast Food Industry packaging in the world, by replacing their very polluting boxes (it’s stay100’s of years in the landfills) and other form of package the burgers and fries that they are using until today, with our “ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY “ PleatPak and Magic Bag... Read more [...]

Biodiversity: Polar Bears and the Poles’ Melting Ice.

Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt. The belief that Europe and America will be hit least by climate change is in ruins. Yet all we do is try to profit from disasters. Says : Vanishing Arctic ice is the planet's white flag of surrender. The planet's last great global ice melt left a benign and balmy climate in which civilization was cradled: the new great melting heralds a grave threat to civilization. But as the polar flag becomes ever more tattered, with holes scorched by hotter ocean waters, humanity pumps ever more globe-warming gases into the air... Read more [...]

Endangered: Ocean reefs.

According to “One of the most compelling reasons to report on the oceans is because it is here that sweeping changes are happening now, not in 50-100 years. The final destruction of the major ocean reef habitats as well as the collapse of major fish populations is well underway. As of 2007, both may be destroyed beyond repair within a few years.” That’s the bad news. The good news, the site states, is that this doesn’t have to happen. “Where coral reefs have been protected from destructive fishing practices, they have often begun to show signs of revitalization within a few years. Read more [...]

Oceans Becoming Acidic Ten Times Faster than Thought Before.

The world's oceans are turning acidic due to the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, and scientists say the effects on marine life will be catastrophic.

“Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may make Earth's oceans more acidic faster than previously thought—unbalancing ecosystems in the process. New study says: Helen Scales for National Geographic News” For tens of millions of years, Earth's oceans have maintained a relatively stable acidity level. It's within this steady environment that the rich and varied web of life in today's seas has arisen and flourished. But research shows that this ancient balance is being undone by a recent and rapid drop in surface pH that could have devastating global consequences. Read more [...]