What is biodiversity? Let’s find out.

What is biodiversity? Let's find out. You’re going to ask: What do PleatPaks and Magic Bags have to do with Biodiversity? You are right! It seems far fetched but IT'S NOT! GreenDustries’ products save trees by using recycled paper and cardboards converted in our Paper mill. We save about 24,163,600 adult trees each year and 95% of the Eco-System/Biodiversity on a territory equivalent to 21% of the surface of Belgium. Now if every one in the Fast Food Industry were using our PleatPaks and Magic Bags, the world savings would be an important factor for the Environment! "The Convention on Biological Diversity" says the following: The rich tapestry of life on our planet is the outcome of over 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history. It has been shaped by forces such as changes in the planet's crust, ice ages, fire and ... Read more [...]

So what is Climate Change?

So what is Climate Change? Do you think the world's climate scientist are lying about the data? What is more powerful than the sun, volcanoes, and all other things in nature and we are officially to "blame" for the world's climate change. Question - which change is it?
You may recall that in the 1970s that science was suggesting we prepare for another ice age.
So should I pack a swim suit or a parka? Point is, climate change is not that simple. The fact is that the Earth is getting warmer. There's a lot of information floating around about climate change. Most people know it has something to do with the "Industrial Revolution". Pollution, changing weather and car exhaust, climate change occurs when long-term weather patterns are altered for example, through human activity. Global warming is one measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperature. We can decide to do nothing about this issue now, but we'll just pay for it later. Food prices will continue to rise and water will continue to become increasingly scarce leading to even more... Read more [...]

Turn Waste into Energy?

Turn Waste into Energy? The Recycling Revolution dedicate to help prevent global warming. This is an everyday changes you can make that WILL make a difference in the future of life on our planet. Recycling help prevent global warming. Recycling can make and WILL make a difference in the future of life on our planet. At GreenDustries, environmental stewardship and establishing an environmental leadership position by leading throughout example is at the core of our mission. All our packaging products are made with 100% recycled paper or with organic 100% biodegradable/ compostable clear transparent films and are the champions of source reduction. All the raw materials used in GreenDustries packaging have food contact certifications. GreenDustries leads in the fundamental environmental rules known as the three R'S: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. Read more [...]

Preparing for Global Warming.

Preparing for Global Warming. Charles E. Cooke, deputy director of the Energy Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, in his greatenergychallengeblog.com, says that Congress has reached "what amounts to a stalemate in its consideration of climate change legislation, and it’s not clear how long this self-imposed hiatus will last." "Proponents of a cap-and-trade approach to limiting CO2 have failed to make a compelling case for adoption of a trading mechanism that establishes a price on carbon. Likewise, opponents to cap-and-trade have created considerable doubt in the public’s mind about the cost of that approach, particularly what effect those costs might have on job creation and economic growth," he continues. Read more [...]

The Psychology of Climate Change Denial.

GreenDustries and The Psychology of Climate Change Denial. Copenhagen missed the boat as the climate crisis has many factors not recognized by the Copenhagen attendees. The Crisis has a number of factors beyond controlling the emissions from cars and power plants and reports several years ago indicated needing more than just control of emissions. First the heat energy being given off from using trapped energy in fossil and nuclear fuels keeps adding to the heat energy overload regardless of clean actions. This was pointed out by Dr. E. Chaisson of Tufts in a paper titled “Long-Term Global heating from Energy Usage” in EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. union, Vol. 89, No. 28, pgs. 253-4(2008). This says that we have to get to renewable energy as fast as possible and should stop wasting time and money on all programs for nuclear or fossil fuel use... Read more [...]

Win Win, Recycling, Saving One Tree at The Time.

As a leader in the recycling movement, GreenDustries is proud of its part in helping to recover paper for reuse in our innovative food service paper packaging. GreenDustries is on the vanguard with our PleatPak and Magic Bag products, both made from 100 percent recycled substrate. According to the web site, thepaperlifecycle.org, paper recycling has become a great environmental success story... Read more [...]

Green Industries or Global Warming

We at GreenDustries think that we should do all we can to take care of our environment. We have only one planet "Earth", the Blue Planet, the only one known to sustain life in all the cosmos. All the missions that NASA launches to try to find another planet with the possibility to welcome the human race did not succeed until today no matter how many billions of dollars were invested in the process. And frankly we can do better. Read more [...]

GreenDustries and the power of Green Energy Integration.

Tim Sutherland is the founder, Chairman and CEO of Pace Global Energy Services, LLC (“Pace Global”), a leading global energy consulting and management firm with extensive client relationships throughout the energy, industrial and financial communities. The company, formed in 1976, is an internationally-recognized provider of advisory services, project evaluation, strategic planning, market assessments, and risk management services. Read more [...]