Archive for the ‘ Global Warming ’ Category

Future Migrations as Earth Warms ( Animated Map, part 2)


Several years have passed since studies conclusively demonstrated hat global warming is altering where and when many animals feed and breed.

In 2003, two benchmark reports showed that more than 100 species have shifted their ranges toward the poles at an average of 4 miles a decade and that thousands of others were emerging, migrating or breeding days to weeks earlier than they did a century ago... Read more [...]

Future Migrations as Earth Warms ( Animated Map, part 1)


Ecosystems, where will 
animals move to survive? As climate change alters habitats and disrupts and will human development prevent them from getting there. The natural world is under siege by climate change.

Rising temperatures are pushing plants and animals outside their current range. To keep pace with climate change species will need a path to follow northward or up in elevation, minimally interrupted by human development. Warming temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather and climate events are likely to increase at a rate and magnitude not seen in more than 65 million years, according to a new study published in the journal Science. Read more [...]

Save the Arctic and Its Wildlife.

The impacts of climate change are unfolding far more rapidly and intensely in the Arctic than any other area of the planet. Soaring temperatures, rapidly melting ice and snow, rising sea levels and acidifying oceans are threatening the Arctic ecosystem, and it’s not just the polar bear that is in peril. Climate change is affecting Arctic wildlife from great whales to tiny plankton, and threatens to unravel the entire Ecosystem. This report chronicles the most profound climatic changes in the Arctic and the impacts those changes are already having on wildlife, and concludes with a roadmap of actions needed to protect the Arctic, as we know it. Because the Arctic is the earth’s early warning system, we must protect it from climate change to preserve the rest of the planet as well. Thinking of environmental threats and ways in which all of us need to concentrate more on our ecology and less on those man made things that distract our lives daily, GreenDustries has become very aware of the plight of animals across the globe. Read more [...]

The melting glacier problem.

A BNA blog posted in December discussed a report released by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) urging countries to increase efforts to combat climate change and cited the rate at which glaciers are melting as the most critical piece of evidence so far to back up its position. UNEP, according to the blog post, said that the different rates of glacial melting, and the fact that some areas are experiencing small expansion of glaciers, underscores the multiple factors at work in determining the rate at which glaciers melt... Read more [...]

Mother Nature’s Monster Storm: Our Wake Up Call.

Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier, hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives. People who have the least ability to cope with these changes--the poor, very old, very young, or sick--are the most vulnerable... Read more [...]

Floods! Has the weather gone wild?

“Rains that are almost biblical, heat waves that don’t end, tornadoes that strike in savage swarms—there’s been a change in the weather lately. What’s going on?” Peter Miller, National Geographic. There’s been a change in the weather. “Extreme events like the Nashville flood—described by officials as a once-in-a-millennium occurrence—are happening more frequently than they used to. A month before Nashville, torrential downpours dumped 11 inches of rain on Rio de Janeiro in 24 hours, triggering mudslides that buried hundreds. About three months after Nashville, record rains in Pakistan caused flooding that affected more than 20 million people. In late 2011 floods in Thailand submerged hundreds of factories near Bangkok, creating a worldwide shortage of computer hard drives. Read more [...]

Droughts and Climate Change.

Until recently, many scientists spoke of climate change mainly as a “threat,” sometime in the future. But it is increasingly clear that we already live in the era of human-induced climate change, with a growing frequency of weather and climate extremes like heat waves, droughts, floods and fires. Today we will try to explain what’s going on with the fact that we experience very little or no rain at all; in certain places in the world such as Russia, the USA, Europe some part of Africa and in Asia. Future precipitation trends, based on climate model projections for the coming fifth assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, indicate that droughts of this length and severity will be commonplace through the end of the century unless human-induced carbon emissions are significantly reduced. Read more [...]

Lack of Fresh Water and Impact on Human Activity… Global Warming, Droughts, Flods…

Climate change is about water climate adaptation and is about managing water more effectively. Founded in September 2010, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation is a group of regional and global development banks, aid agencies and governments, and a diverse set of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on how to manage water resources in way that is sustainable even as climate change alters the global hydrological cycle. We believe that water is a crosscutting theme that provides coherence to climate change adaptation and mitigation, integrating energy, water... Read more [...]