TORNADOES: Forces of Nature or New Extreme Weather Patterns From CLIMATE CHANGE?

What factors contribute to
 extreme weather?
While many environmental groups have been warning about extreme weather conditions for a few years, the World Meteorological Organization announced in July 2003 that “Recent scientific assessments indicate that, as the global temperatures continue to warm due to climate change, the number and intensity of extreme events might increase.”
Of course global warming should lead to more—and more powerful—tornadoes. We're adding energy to the atmosphere by trapping heat with greenhouse gases, and tornadoes are the very picture of terrifying atmospheric energy.
Linking any particular weather event to climate change is always tricky, because weather is inherently random. But weather patterns can speak to a warming planet. Read more [...]

Why Are Coral Reefs So Important To The Biosphere?

CORAL REEFS ARE DEFENDERS of WILDLIFE. Coral reefs have been in the news a lot lately because they are under threat from ocean acidification, climate change (and this summer’s nasty heat wave), overfishing, coastal development, and more. Many people don’t understand why coral reefs are so important, which is why we asked an expert to help explain why coral reefs are so important and what threats they are facing. We at GreenDustries care very much about the environment. Our goal is to decries the level of garbage and pollution created by the Fast Food Industry packaging in the world, by replacing their very polluting boxes (it’s stay100’s of years in the landfills) and other form of package the burgers and fries that they are using until today, with our “ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY “ PleatPak and Magic Bag... Read more [...]

Save the Arctic and Its Wildlife.

The impacts of climate change are unfolding far more rapidly and intensely in the Arctic than any other area of the planet. Soaring temperatures, rapidly melting ice and snow, rising sea levels and acidifying oceans are threatening the Arctic ecosystem, and it’s not just the polar bear that is in peril. Climate change is affecting Arctic wildlife from great whales to tiny plankton, and threatens to unravel the entire Ecosystem. This report chronicles the most profound climatic changes in the Arctic and the impacts those changes are already having on wildlife, and concludes with a roadmap of actions needed to protect the Arctic, as we know it. Because the Arctic is the earth’s early warning system, we must protect it from climate change to preserve the rest of the planet as well. Thinking of environmental threats and ways in which all of us need to concentrate more on our ecology and less on those man made things that distract our lives daily, GreenDustries has become very aware of the plight of animals across the globe. Read more [...]

Why is Earth a Magnet? (Part Two)

EARTH MAGNETIC FIELDS, VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKES and CLIMATIC IMPACTS. We’ve been wondering for a while if the hot spots, which are found around the Earth’s crust, are weak points in the earth's magnetic fields (or strong points?) The earth's magnetic field is changing rapidly and as it's also induced by the sun's magnetic field, which is also in a weak period, perhaps we will see an apparent increase in volcanic activity or the awakening of long dormant volcanic fields, such as the Garrotxa volcanic field in Spain or the Chaine du Puys in France? What seems amazing this year is the volcanic and seismic activity, in Italy, Tonga, Chile, Alaska, the Caribbean, Hawaii to name some areas. Read more [...]

Why is Earth a Magnet? (Part One)

Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field.

Our planet's magnetic field is in a constant state of change, say researchers who are beginning to understand how it behaves and why.

Earth has a large-scale magnetic field. Solar wind is deflected away from Earth, protecting the atmosphere. Earth has a magnetic field, but obviously that is not what is really happening. So what is really happening? Read more [...]

A WORLD WITHOUT PLASTIC. Switching to Biodegradable material.

We have identified bioscience companies that manufacturers a specific type biodegradable plastic that will degrade in the water as well as land. “What we want to talk about is letting go of the struggle against reality, accepting things as they truly are, and finding ways to work with the world rather than against it. So, what are some ways that we can make it easier for people to do the right thing? For example, we still are thinking about how to approach Trader Joe’s to reduce its produce packaging... Read more [...]

BEST IN SHOW! PleatPak by GreenDustries Won Best in Show Award in the International Restaurant & Foodservice Show in New York 2013.

GreenDustries’ PleatPak, a smart, functional, sustainable and innovative packaging, invented and developed by Akiva Buchberg was awarded the prestigious ‘Best in Show’ Award in the International Restaurant & Foodservice Show in New York on March 3, 2013. The PleatPak is being used in iconic places, including Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden at Simply Chicken by Chef Jean Georges and at the Daily Burger by Drew Nieporent. You can also find the PleatPak at regional trendy chains throughout North America, including; Hero Certified Burger, Energy Kitchen, Bumpers Drive-In, as well as in universities, food trucks, gourmet burger joints and more... Read more [...]

Biodiversity: Polar Bears and the Poles’ Melting Ice.

Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt. The belief that Europe and America will be hit least by climate change is in ruins. Yet all we do is try to profit from disasters. Says : Vanishing Arctic ice is the planet's white flag of surrender. The planet's last great global ice melt left a benign and balmy climate in which civilization was cradled: the new great melting heralds a grave threat to civilization. But as the polar flag becomes ever more tattered, with holes scorched by hotter ocean waters, humanity pumps ever more globe-warming gases into the air... Read more [...]