Archive for September, 2012

Food Packaging that is Changing the Way You Will Eat Forever.

In an industry with no more stories left to tell, a small innovative company named GreenDustries is making a big name for itself by revolutionizing the foodservice packaging industry. GreenDustries is changing the way people eat fast food with its two proprietary packages: the PleatPak (for burgers and sandwiches) and the Magic Bag (for French fries and finger foods)... Read more [...]

One Massive Pile of Garbage Floating in the Pacific! No “Nurdles for Turtles”

For those who don’t know, there is a patch of garbage that stretches from the US to JAPAN. One massive pile of garbage, floating in the pacific, killing every animal that is unfortunate enough to get too close. This is the legacy we are leaving our children… Did You Know? Plastic resin pellets called "nurdles" are some of the most common bits of pollution littering the oceans. These pea-size nubs are manufactured by the billions and used as raw materials in the making of plastic goods... Read more [...]

Floods! Has the weather gone wild?

“Rains that are almost biblical, heat waves that don’t end, tornadoes that strike in savage swarms—there’s been a change in the weather lately. What’s going on?” Peter Miller, National Geographic. There’s been a change in the weather. “Extreme events like the Nashville flood—described by officials as a once-in-a-millennium occurrence—are happening more frequently than they used to. A month before Nashville, torrential downpours dumped 11 inches of rain on Rio de Janeiro in 24 hours, triggering mudslides that buried hundreds. About three months after Nashville, record rains in Pakistan caused flooding that affected more than 20 million people. In late 2011 floods in Thailand submerged hundreds of factories near Bangkok, creating a worldwide shortage of computer hard drives. Read more [...]