Archive for June, 2011

The amazing Nanotechnology.

NanotechnologyNanotechnology could turn out to be the most important technological development for advancing energy technolgies in well over one hundred years. Nanotechnology, which means building technology on the molecular or nano (billionths) scale, has already started to impact solar energy and battery storage technology. Nanotechnology might someday allow for far more powerful, more efficient and less expensive solar and battery storage technology. Nanotechnology is a rather young field, only gaining acceptance in the late 1990s, so the potential for future advancements is very high in coming years. Read more [...]

What’s hot? Cold fusion

Cold fusion is a type of purported nuclear reaction at low energies or temperatures. While there's some debate on whether this process can work at the commercial level, researchers in Italy have gone beyond the talk and have done the walk, creating an apparatus to facilititate the process. Despite this, however, skeptics still abound on the process's commercial viability. We at GreenDustries believe that while skepticism is healthy, the amount of energy spent in arguing and refuting the commercial plausibility of such an invention should not overshadow the significant gains of the invention itself. Read more [...]

Geothermal Energy

You've never thought about the earth being like a boiled egg but think about it: If you cut the egg in half the yellow yoke is like the core of the earth and the white part would be the earth's mantle. The thin shell, discarded after the egg is boiled, is like the earth's crust. The geothermal energy, has been around for as long as the earth has existed. "Geo" means earth, and "thermal" means heat. So geothermal means earth-heat. Geothermal energy is quickly becoming a popular source of energy and GreenDustries believes tapping into what the earth creates naturally - with little manmade influence - should be at the forefront of any energy policy moving forward. Read more [...]

The power of the sun. Free energy.

Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available renewable energy on earth. Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is used. To us at GreenDustries it seems such a waste that something as valuable and as powerful as the sun should be admired for the growth of plants and even the growth of humans but should be neglected for its ultimate ability to provide the one thing we so sorely need: natural energy. Read more [...]