Posts Tagged ‘ ecosystems

SHARKS: feared or revered, but rarely understood.

The creators of "Jaws" had it backwards. People prey on sharks far more than sharks prey on people.

For some, sharks are the stuff of nightmares. Others rely on them for a living – and humankind has driven many species into decline. Perhaps it is time to think again about how we treat these beautiful creatures.

Shark fins have no taste and no nutritional value, but they're nonetheless a hot commodity in Asia. People consider shark fin soup a high-status, luxury dish, and their demand for the soup fuels the decline of shark populations around the world.

To feed that craving, fishing fleets capture millions of sharks each year, cut off their fins, and in many cases, toss the dying animals back out to sea to make more cargo space on board for the fins. Slow to mature, sharks are often killed before they have a chance to reproduce...

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Oceans Becoming Acidic Ten Times Faster than Thought Before.

The world's oceans are turning acidic due to the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, and scientists say the effects on marine life will be catastrophic.

“Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may make Earth's oceans more acidic faster than previously thought—unbalancing ecosystems in the process. New study says: Helen Scales for National Geographic News” For tens of millions of years, Earth's oceans have maintained a relatively stable acidity level. It's within this steady environment that the rich and varied web of life in today's seas has arisen and flourished. But research shows that this ancient balance is being undone by a recent and rapid drop in surface pH that could have devastating global consequences. Read more [...]

Lack of Fresh Water and Impact on Human Activity… Global Warming, Droughts, Flods…

Climate change is about water climate adaptation and is about managing water more effectively. Founded in September 2010, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation is a group of regional and global development banks, aid agencies and governments, and a diverse set of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on how to manage water resources in way that is sustainable even as climate change alters the global hydrological cycle. We believe that water is a crosscutting theme that provides coherence to climate change adaptation and mitigation, integrating energy, water... Read more [...]

What is biodiversity? Let’s find out.

What is biodiversity? Let's find out. You’re going to ask: What do PleatPaks and Magic Bags have to do with Biodiversity? You are right! It seems far fetched but IT'S NOT! GreenDustries’ products save trees by using recycled paper and cardboards converted in our Paper mill. We save about 24,163,600 adult trees each year and 95% of the Eco-System/Biodiversity on a territory equivalent to 21% of the surface of Belgium. Now if every one in the Fast Food Industry were using our PleatPaks and Magic Bags, the world savings would be an important factor for the Environment! "The Convention on Biological Diversity" says the following: The rich tapestry of life on our planet is the outcome of over 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history. It has been shaped by forces such as changes in the planet's crust, ice ages, fire and ... Read more [...]

Why care about water?

Why care about water? We at GreenDustries believe first and foremost that conservation must benefit people. Without a doubt, our planet’s ecological health is inextricably linked to human well-being. We depend on Earth for our sustenance, our livelihoods and our very survival. What we take from it must be taken responsibly so that it will continue to be available to us. We must balance the needs of the environment with the needs of humanity. This is what conservation is all about. Read more [...]

HERE ON EARTH: Galapagos and Everglades

Animal DiversityCOMPARING EARTH'S ECO SYSTEM TO THE ECO SYSTEM OF AN AQUARIUM the planted aquarium thrives on perfect balance of it's own ecological system just like nature. Most beautiful tanks shows harmony of life that balances everything. Shifts in the balance will show on your tank, calling for proper attention and measures to be taken. Excessive algae, plant meltdowns, sudden deaths of fishes or shrimps, plants discoloring, lack of plant photosynthesis all points to shift of this balance. It doesn't take rocket science to remedy them, just some care and right advice from your local planted tank specialist.

In my opinion, the planted aquarium is the best classroom for conservation and ... Read more [...]