Archive for the ‘ Climate Change ’ Category

Future Migrations as Earth Warms ( Animated Map, part 2)


Several years have passed since studies conclusively demonstrated hat global warming is altering where and when many animals feed and breed.

In 2003, two benchmark reports showed that more than 100 species have shifted their ranges toward the poles at an average of 4 miles a decade and that thousands of others were emerging, migrating or breeding days to weeks earlier than they did a century ago... Read more [...]

Future Migrations as Earth Warms ( Animated Map, part 1)


Ecosystems, where will 
animals move to survive? As climate change alters habitats and disrupts and will human development prevent them from getting there. The natural world is under siege by climate change.

Rising temperatures are pushing plants and animals outside their current range. To keep pace with climate change species will need a path to follow northward or up in elevation, minimally interrupted by human development. Warming temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather and climate events are likely to increase at a rate and magnitude not seen in more than 65 million years, according to a new study published in the journal Science. Read more [...]


Psychological scientists are very interested in this particular brand of irrational thinking — especially the link between conspiratorial thinking and anti-science world views. These plots and conspiracies may seem laughable at first glance, but they are not inconsequential. At the very least, conspiracy theorists waste a lot of time and at worst, they pose real dangers to society. Just think of how many parents, alarmed by the bogus link between vaccines and autism, have left their children unprotected against serious disease.

More than 90 percent of climate scientists agree that the global climate is shifting, largely as a result of human activity. Scientifically, this is essentially a closed case. Yet conspiracy theorists continue to spin wild tales of government agents surreptitiously destroying thermometers and burying contradictory evidence. What are the motives of these climate deniers...

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Rising temperatures. Upsetting a delicate balance?

A team of British scientists contends that, within 200 years, Earth's temperatures may become hot enough to kill off half of all existing plant and animal species. From: Nick Wadhams for National Geographic News. The researchers from the Universities of York and Leeds in Britain base that dire possibility on a new analysis of the 520-million-year-old fossil record, which links past mass extinctions with cycles of high temperatures. "We could be in the temperature zone in which mass extinctions have occurred by the end of this century, or more likely in the next century," said Peter Mayhew... Read more [...]

TORNADOES: Forces of Nature or New Extreme Weather Patterns From CLIMATE CHANGE?

What factors contribute to
 extreme weather?
While many environmental groups have been warning about extreme weather conditions for a few years, the World Meteorological Organization announced in July 2003 that “Recent scientific assessments indicate that, as the global temperatures continue to warm due to climate change, the number and intensity of extreme events might increase.”
Of course global warming should lead to more—and more powerful—tornadoes. We're adding energy to the atmosphere by trapping heat with greenhouse gases, and tornadoes are the very picture of terrifying atmospheric energy.
Linking any particular weather event to climate change is always tricky, because weather is inherently random. But weather patterns can speak to a warming planet. Read more [...]

Save the Arctic and Its Wildlife.

The impacts of climate change are unfolding far more rapidly and intensely in the Arctic than any other area of the planet. Soaring temperatures, rapidly melting ice and snow, rising sea levels and acidifying oceans are threatening the Arctic ecosystem, and it’s not just the polar bear that is in peril. Climate change is affecting Arctic wildlife from great whales to tiny plankton, and threatens to unravel the entire Ecosystem. This report chronicles the most profound climatic changes in the Arctic and the impacts those changes are already having on wildlife, and concludes with a roadmap of actions needed to protect the Arctic, as we know it. Because the Arctic is the earth’s early warning system, we must protect it from climate change to preserve the rest of the planet as well. Thinking of environmental threats and ways in which all of us need to concentrate more on our ecology and less on those man made things that distract our lives daily, GreenDustries has become very aware of the plight of animals across the globe. Read more [...]

Biodiversity: Polar Bears and the Poles’ Melting Ice.

Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt. The belief that Europe and America will be hit least by climate change is in ruins. Yet all we do is try to profit from disasters. Says : Vanishing Arctic ice is the planet's white flag of surrender. The planet's last great global ice melt left a benign and balmy climate in which civilization was cradled: the new great melting heralds a grave threat to civilization. But as the polar flag becomes ever more tattered, with holes scorched by hotter ocean waters, humanity pumps ever more globe-warming gases into the air... Read more [...]

Biodiversity, Temperatures Rising & Wild Fires.

Today we will speak about “wild fires and the influence they have on our biodiversity and on ourselves”. Viewed by someone not from our world, it could be seen as one big, finely tuned and ultimately incredible machine. WWF says. And we agree. We at GreenDustrires are extremely supportive of all the “NGOs” which are working to inform us on what’s really happening with our home planet... Read more [...]