Archive for April, 2011

Evolution, Creation or both?

Evolution, Creation or both? Some food for thought, some time it can be funny to see the controversy between evolutionists and creationists many of intelligent people. Read more [...]

Collisions of understanding

Collisions of understanding. Author and scientist Ken Croswell writes about galaxy collisions in a recent blog on in which he theorizes that such collisions “seem to be agents of cosmic socialism.” A new study, he says, finds that these collisions cause galactic regions rich in oxygen, iron, and even gold to mix with those that are impoverished, thereby making the rich poorer and the poor richer.” “In astronomy, any element heavier than helium is called a metal, so while your chemist friends certainly don't consider oxygen a metal, astronomers do,” says Croswell... Read more [...]

Fine-tuning the cosmos

Fine-tuning the cosmos. Throughout enlightened Spirituality sites we found some existential thinking on the formation and existence of the universe and while this has nothing to do with food service packaging, we at GreenDustries feel that understanding the various levels and means of how we came to be provides a necessary foundation to where we’re heading. Read more [...]