Archive for October, 2011

Preparing for Global Warming.

Preparing for Global Warming. Charles E. Cooke, deputy director of the Energy Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, in his, says that Congress has reached "what amounts to a stalemate in its consideration of climate change legislation, and it’s not clear how long this self-imposed hiatus will last." "Proponents of a cap-and-trade approach to limiting CO2 have failed to make a compelling case for adoption of a trading mechanism that establishes a price on carbon. Likewise, opponents to cap-and-trade have created considerable doubt in the public’s mind about the cost of that approach, particularly what effect those costs might have on job creation and economic growth," he continues. Read more [...]

The Psychology of Climate Change Denial.

GreenDustries and The Psychology of Climate Change Denial. Copenhagen missed the boat as the climate crisis has many factors not recognized by the Copenhagen attendees. The Crisis has a number of factors beyond controlling the emissions from cars and power plants and reports several years ago indicated needing more than just control of emissions. First the heat energy being given off from using trapped energy in fossil and nuclear fuels keeps adding to the heat energy overload regardless of clean actions. This was pointed out by Dr. E. Chaisson of Tufts in a paper titled “Long-Term Global heating from Energy Usage” in EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. union, Vol. 89, No. 28, pgs. 253-4(2008). This says that we have to get to renewable energy as fast as possible and should stop wasting time and money on all programs for nuclear or fossil fuel use... Read more [...]