Posts Tagged ‘ biodiversity

Lack of Fresh Water and Impact on Human Activity… Global Warming, Droughts, Flods…

Climate change is about water climate adaptation and is about managing water more effectively. Founded in September 2010, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation is a group of regional and global development banks, aid agencies and governments, and a diverse set of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on how to manage water resources in way that is sustainable even as climate change alters the global hydrological cycle. We believe that water is a crosscutting theme that provides coherence to climate change adaptation and mitigation, integrating energy, water... Read more [...]

PALM OIL: the bigger picture

PALM OIL PLANTATIONS, THE ILLUSION of SUSTAINABILTY…. Environmentalists see the establishment of oil palm plantations as a new threat to the world's largest rainforests and their biodiversity. The potential for palm oil plantations in the Brazilian Amazon is vast: the Woods Hole Research Center estimates that 2.283 million square kilometers (881,000 sq miles) of forest land in the region is suitable for oil palm, an area far greater in extent than that which could be converted for soy (390,000 sq km) or sugar cane (1.988 million sq km). Woods Hole calculates this area of forest locks up some 42.5 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon in aboveground biomass, or roughly six times 2006 global emissions... Read more [...]

Humans Change The World! How Many Species We Are Losing?

What took 4 billion years to evolve is vanishing in the blink of an eye. "For millions of years all humans, early and modern alike, had to find their own food. They spent a large part of each day gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. Then, within just the past 12,000 years, our species, Homo sapiens, made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings. We have been so successful that we have inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth", says the Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program. Here are some examples of Biodiversity state of being that GreenDustries chose to talk to you about. There are 4 different forms of life and we want to explain their places in the Ecosystem, in our lives: the Mammals, the Plants, the Birds and Reptiles. The United Nations General Assembly aims to engage people all around the world in protecting life on Earth. Biodiversity is not just about plants, animals and insects, it is about life - it underpins our survival on this planet, the importance of biodiversity for our health, wealth... Read more [...]

What is biodiversity? Let’s find out.

What is biodiversity? Let's find out. You’re going to ask: What do PleatPaks and Magic Bags have to do with Biodiversity? You are right! It seems far fetched but IT'S NOT! GreenDustries’ products save trees by using recycled paper and cardboards converted in our Paper mill. We save about 24,163,600 adult trees each year and 95% of the Eco-System/Biodiversity on a territory equivalent to 21% of the surface of Belgium. Now if every one in the Fast Food Industry were using our PleatPaks and Magic Bags, the world savings would be an important factor for the Environment! "The Convention on Biological Diversity" says the following: The rich tapestry of life on our planet is the outcome of over 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history. It has been shaped by forces such as changes in the planet's crust, ice ages, fire and ... Read more [...]

Why not to get your fuel energy someplace else?

If you think it’s good to use trees for fuel, think again. Recently Dogwood Alliance released a paper, “Don’t Log the Forests for the Fuel” which exposed the false environmental and economic benefits of tree-based biofuels. Read more [...]

Comparing earth’s eco system to the eco system of an aquarium

Comparing earth's eco system to the eco system of an aquarium. The planted aquarium thrives on perfect balance of it's own ecological system just like nature. Most beautiful tanks shows harmony of life that balances everything. Shifts in the balance will show on your tank, calling for proper attention and measures to be taken. Excessive algae, plant meltdowns, sudden deaths of fishes or shrimps, plants discoloring, lack of plant photosynthesis all points to shift of this balance. It doesn't take rocket science to remedy them, just some care and right advice from your local planted tank specialist. In my opinion, the planted aquarium is the best classroom for conservation and sustainable environment for our planet. Nature is elaborately comprehensive and perfect in it's creation. We are still learning things from nature and how it holds the answer and solution to many of life's problem; planted aquarium included. Read more [...]

HERE ON EARTH: Galapagos and Everglades

Animal DiversityCOMPARING EARTH'S ECO SYSTEM TO THE ECO SYSTEM OF AN AQUARIUM the planted aquarium thrives on perfect balance of it's own ecological system just like nature. Most beautiful tanks shows harmony of life that balances everything. Shifts in the balance will show on your tank, calling for proper attention and measures to be taken. Excessive algae, plant meltdowns, sudden deaths of fishes or shrimps, plants discoloring, lack of plant photosynthesis all points to shift of this balance. It doesn't take rocket science to remedy them, just some care and right advice from your local planted tank specialist.

In my opinion, the planted aquarium is the best classroom for conservation and ... Read more [...]