Posts Tagged ‘ fossil fuels


Psychological scientists are very interested in this particular brand of irrational thinking — especially the link between conspiratorial thinking and anti-science world views. These plots and conspiracies may seem laughable at first glance, but they are not inconsequential. At the very least, conspiracy theorists waste a lot of time and at worst, they pose real dangers to society. Just think of how many parents, alarmed by the bogus link between vaccines and autism, have left their children unprotected against serious disease.

More than 90 percent of climate scientists agree that the global climate is shifting, largely as a result of human activity. Scientifically, this is essentially a closed case. Yet conspiracy theorists continue to spin wild tales of government agents surreptitiously destroying thermometers and burying contradictory evidence. What are the motives of these climate deniers...

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Rising temperatures. Upsetting a delicate balance?

A team of British scientists contends that, within 200 years, Earth's temperatures may become hot enough to kill off half of all existing plant and animal species. From: Nick Wadhams for National Geographic News. The researchers from the Universities of York and Leeds in Britain base that dire possibility on a new analysis of the 520-million-year-old fossil record, which links past mass extinctions with cycles of high temperatures. "We could be in the temperature zone in which mass extinctions have occurred by the end of this century, or more likely in the next century," said Peter Mayhew... Read more [...]

Farmville, a New City Life?

This week, we are bringing you the latest urban agriculture related news mixed with lots of good-to-know information and unique projects that are happening across the United States. As efforts to reclaim our food system persist, innovators across the country have been working hard to bring farming back to the urban environment. From low-tech DIY solutions to traditional farming methods, there is a lot to learn and plenty to share. Feel free to share your thoughts and links to your favorite urban agriculture resources, and don't forget to tell us about the urban farming projects in your town! Mike Lieberman.

The vertical farming system allows leafy green vegetables to be grown all year round in urban environments in much smaller spaces, using much smaller amounts of energy and water while generating higher yields.

According to the VertiCrop site, using the system requires just 8 per cent of normal water consumption used to irrigate crops, can work in any climate, can grow more than 50 varieties of leafy green vegetables, and offers yields about 20 times higher than normal production of field crops. Valcent's vertical farming system was named in 2009 by Time magazine as one of the top 50 innovations of the year. Read more [...]

Humans change the world! What drought are you talking about?

Humans change the world! What drought are you talking about? A drought is a period of unusually persistent dry weather that persists long enough to cause serious problems such as crop damage and or water supply shortages. The severity depends upon the degree of moisture deficiency, the duration, and the size of the affected area. The major effects of climate change on water systems take place through changes in the hydrological cycle, basically the balance between temperature, and rainfall. Whilst some regions may have higher rainfalls this can evaporate through sustained increases in temperature... Read more [...]

Humans Change the World ! “Climate Change” What does it mean to me? What is it caused by?

The Industrial Revolution brought us Climate Change. After the Industrial Revolution we became a society of “instant gratification”. The industrial revolution made our life very easy and at the same time is destroying our planet. From the mining for commodities like: minerals, metals and rocks, let's not forget all the underground nuclear explosions and the pumping of oil, our planet is looking more and more like “Swiss Cheese” and now it is letting us know through: earthquakes, volcanoes and the increase of Co2. The time to change is here and now! The Industrial Revolution was a process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. It began in England in the 18th century... Read more [...]